How do Tigo power optimisers work?

Tigo power optimisers search for maximum power point at the level of a given module to which they are connected. These allow the module to achieve the highest possible capacity it can at any given time, regardless of how much power other modules are generating. An installation without optimisers works as well as the weakest panel that is, e.g., in the shade. By using optimisers, we improve the operation of the weakest panels so that the entire installation works even better.

This is a perfect solution, for example, when the module is partially shaded or when the roof has many slopes.

The big advantage of Tigo power optimisers is that they are fully compatible with most inverters and that they can be fitted to modules that require it and not to all modules in the installation.

How do Tigo power optimisers work?

Tigo power optimisers search for maximum power point at the level of a given module to which they are connected. These allow the module to achieve the highest possible capacity it can at any given time, regardless of how much power other modules are generating. An installation without optimisers works as well as the weakest panel that is, e.g., in the shade. By using optimisers, we improve the operation of the weakest panels so that the entire installation works even better.

This is a perfect solution, for example, when the module is partially shaded or when the roof has many slopes.

The big advantage of Tigo power optimisers is that they are fully compatible with most inverters and that they can be fitted to modules that require it and not to all modules in the installation.